Don Miguel was mowing the lawn with his machete early this morning, which still amazes us.
As I sat upstairs, on a cool 7 AM morning, watching him with his machete, I was editing a budget spreadsheet on my computer. Why am I doing this, and he's doing that?
Wordsworth described poetry as the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility". We wonder if this whole time in Guatemala will be that for us, and if we will only really learn some of the lessons far in our future, when we recollect them in tranquility.
of course, I l o v e the sensibility of this entry! :)
recollections will be very rich for you, with certainty!
Melody G
Yes indeed Danaya. It's hard to watch a senior bent over serving you (an able bodied young person). It doesn't seem so fair that we are so privileged.
Maybe Conexions will consider bringing down a push lawnmower on one of their future trips. The next time kids back here complain about mowing the lawn with an electric or gas mower show them this clip. Would sure make them think how fortunate they really are.
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