Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Walk Is Shorter When...

...you have others to walk it with you. Berta and Sandra, two of Estulio's daughters, and two of their friends walked quite a way with us.

We have lots to post today -- it was such a rich day that we are bursting inside with a glimpse of the fruit of much labor from many people.

Posted via Pixelpipe.


Anonymous said...

Estoy emocionada tambien! (I am excited too) - about the stories of the day. I would LOVE to sit with kids and read stories...what a great way to learn, and to connect. What is happening up in Tierra Linda right now is positively magical, and it is great also that you, in addition to the day's work, are taking time to share it on the blog so we can celebrate too!
blessings to all
Melody G

Anonymous said...

Dave, As I sit here in my office, my heart is with you and your family in Guatemala. Daily I reminisce of the fond memories Amber and I had with you guys and the rest of the Conexions team. I feel incredibly blessed I was able to share the walk up to Tierra Linda with you, and watch the day's acctivities unfold. Thanks for keeping the memories alive with the blogging.