Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our morning commute

Here is our morning commute up the mountain to Tierra Linda. We are now officially holding class in the village permanently at the community center. This is no small feat, as the hike takes an hour, and 25 minutes of that is straight up a difficult trail, as you can see in the picture. The richness of it is that we are joining the people of the village in their daily experience. Although this hike is really hard to get energized for in the morning, we were so energized as we came back down at noon. Being with the people in their own environment has a richness and reward that can´t be fully described.

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jeff and jenn said...

If you weren't already when you left, you are going to come home incredibly fit! Great work! When I was able to walk to school in the morning I loved it. Yes, there were days when it sucked having to get up earlier, but the fresh morning air, the birds, the blood pumping all worked to get me ready for the day. Of course, my commute was only 30mins on level ground...impressive work, guys, impressive!

shelley said...

you guys are truly a dedicated people. I'm amazed at how you have adapted to the Guatemalan life style. Coming back to Canada will surely be difficult for you when you pass on the torch to those you will be leaving behind. Blessings to you all.