Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ultrasound Machine

Some of you have asked for more specific information about the ultrasound wand that Dr. Juan Pablo needs.

It's a GE Voluson 730 Pro machine, with a RAB 4-8P wand. The white convex part is cracked, so it is leaking fluid and giving inaccurate readings.

You can see more about it here:

And here is a photo gallery of it:

Again, if anyone has wise ideas on how to get a repair or replacement at a reasonable cost, they would be most welcome.

Posted via Pixelpipe.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

This is a little off topic, but I will be traveling to GUA in December and have someone who has offered me a good bit of medical supplies. Could this doctor use them if I get them to you? It's things like blood drawing supplies such as vials etc. Once I get them I can send a complete list if you think they'd be useful? Please email me