Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lunch time. Dave ordered fish, and thought it was some of the best he has eaten. Although the food was good, we learned later that the servers had a sneaky way of over-charging if you didn't double check your bill! Although the pictures make this look like a lovely "resort," it was really a restaurant with some hotel rooms on a strip of beautiful beach. This lovely beachside hotel and restaurant was an interesting mix of having the elements of an American resort, but lacking the craftsmanship and professionalism that Guatemalan things often do. I'm not trying to be critical, but things aren't always as perfect as they look on the pictures. It isn't a place that would be attractive to tourists, but it is fine for Guatemalans and those who can go with the Central American flow.

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1 comment:

Jaydes said...

You said it. On my shuttle ride back to Guatemala after I left your house, there were 2 other Canadians who loved their stay, they seemed free spirited and easy going. Then there were a clan of Americans that had their panties in a bunch, and you could tell they couldn't hack the experience. Guatemala aint no Mexico, and even Costa Rica is loads ahead of Guatemala in what "tourism" means.