Friday, February 6, 2009

And Then We Woke Up Sick...

Both Danaya and Dave woke up sick, down for the count. After several rounds of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, camomile tea, and naps, we felt a bit better.

And this evening, we craved something not derived from black beans. So we found, and Skype-called a pizza place that delivered in a tuc-tuc. If you've never had pepperoni and pineapple pizza made with real fresh pineapple, you've got to try it. Top it with the fresh pesto'n'garlic sauce, and it's amazing.

Posted via Pixelpipe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, wish I could've shared that pizza with you all! What a ride you've had so far, and I don't mean just the tuc tuc :). Hope you have a restful Sunday....
And thanks for taking the time to post the pics of your home - pretty gorgeous! Seeing as your sleep seems to be consistently 'disturbed', glad you have something beautiful to look at while you're awake! Melody G