Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eating Dirt Is Good For You

Since Zane is constantly filthy these days in Guatemala, and it's impossible to keep his hands/face/feet clean, we thought you might find this article encouraging:

Eating Dirt Is Good For You

:) Dave and Danaya


Judy Berg said...

Hi Dave, Danaya and Zane
All the best on this adventure and thanks for the blog to keep us up to date! It is challenging to teach computer literacy in ones own language - teaching with a language barrier will challenge your ingenuity! Make certain to write lots in a journal as well as your blog. There are many things you will think you will always remember but it fades in time - including the little tricks you discover on how to communicate and teach.
Jim and Regan are off to South Africa next week as Regan does a rotation in surgery at a hospital in Cape Town that has one of the highest trauma rates in the world. He wants to do a fellowship in trauma after his finishes his 5 year surgical residency next year.
Live safely!
Aunt Judy

Deanne said...

I am so proud you all for your efforts. I truly believe so many answers are found in education and fair trade.. Good work and I look forward to following your blog..

Deanne. xo

jeff and jenn said...

Bring on the dirt!